Turnbull government stands its ground, apart from international open government community
Disappointing that the Turnbull Government chose to keep the head down rather than step up publicly with a positive response to the request three months ago from the Open Government Partnership Steering Committee to recommit by the time of the OGP Global Summit in Mexico this week. Spirits here rose sharply yesterday morning when my email inbox lit up: Re: Commitment to open government - Whitney Brennan Office of The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP Only to drop like a stone when it turned out to be pretty much the standard boiler plate, pass the parcel reply to an email sent to the PM a week ago about the OGP and the related issue, the continuing saga of the Attorney General's attempt to scuttle the Office of Australian Information Commissioner. Toby McIntosh reports over one thousand delegates from 94 countries attended the Civil Society Day in Mexico City yesterday prior to the official two-day OGP meeting. Meanwhile back in Canberra....... Emails to and from the PM...