Public service leaders maintain the FOI rage setting 'tone at the top"
Thirty three years ago, four years after government began considering FOI and five years before legislation passed, in notes to Prime Minister Fraser , then Secretary Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Sir Geoffrey Yeend in May 1977 wrote : "Freedom of Information legislation would result in administrative chaos.. departments keeping dual filing cabinets. .. It is a can of worms, political commitments notwithstanding. The heads of Defence and Treasury are opposed to the legislation. Broader and in some cases blanket exemptions are necessary. It has been a consistent theme pursued by the leadership of the public service since, with few public expressions of the contrary view. The m ost recent public comments came i n April from current Secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet Dr Martin Parkinson and head of the Public Service Commission John Lloyd as reported in T he Canberra Times Both spoke at a forum, picking up on the report by an...