
Showing posts from July, 2017

Australia’s commitment to open government reform

Published today on the AUSLAW BLOG: 11/07/2017   /   AUSPUBLAW   /   0 COMMENTS BY   PETER TIMMINS The voters aren’t happy. While there is no single antidote for this winter of discontent, the way government governs is a contributing factor. The government tells us that belief in democracy is a shared Australian value and as part of a new approach to citizenship for those who seek to join us, that newcomers will be tested to demonstrate their commitment. Yet forty per cent of Australians   are not satisfied   with the way democracy is working. Only five per cent trust government. And   the majority of Australians   think their politicians are corrupt. Calls for reform   propose steps to make decision-making more transparent and politicians more accountable for their actions; for politicians to get serious about cleaning up public life; and for more collaboration between government and citizens in policymaking, regulation and operational delivery. Submission of Australia’s first OGP Nat