
Showing posts from April, 2018

Australia's Open Government Partnership plans: possible commitments

The following suggestions for commitments, if supported ,require refinement to ensure any commitment is specific, concrete and ambitious.We should learn from experience with the first plan that vague statements of intended outcomes  and plans to review and consult do not meet this OGP requirement.  1. Anti-corruption A national integrity commission and a suite of anti-corruption reforms not limited to those  included in the first national action plan yet to be delivered. The Deputy CEO of the OGP Support Unit Joe Powell urges countries preparing a plan this year to include anti corruption measures. https://voices.transparency.or g/2018s-corruption-focused-sum mits-must-turn-promises-into- action-358fa5d35505 2. Integrity Address gaps and weaknesses in lobbying and political donations regulation. Measures to include a comprehensive scheme for registration of lobbyists, periodic reporting of lobbying activity. Join Parliament in the open government initiative with a commit...

Australia's Open Government Partnership plans: preliminary comments

T he following observations, comments and suggestions are put forward for consideration as plans for the OGP national action plan are developed. Some raise administrative and policy issues that are unlikely to result in commitments in the plan but nevertheless are relevant to our open government ambitions. 1.Uncertainty about where things stand The lack of information about where things stand and the likely outcomes by July 2018 limits discussion of possible commitments for the next plan. A number of  commitments are tagged 'Delayed.' With these commitments and others currently described as 'On track' it is not clear where we are, where we are going and where if anywhere we should aim for next . Current reporting on Commitments 3.1 Information Access (AGD) and 4.3 Open Contracting (Finance) for example provides no indication of what is under consideration by the government. The lack of information hampers discussion about the next phase. 2. Moving toward the open govern...

Australia's Open Government Partnership plans

I've lodged three comments/submissions about the current consulation by Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet on possible commitments for the second OGP National Action Plan. On meetings in Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney and Brisbane that concluded on 23 March "Based on the Sydney meet that I attended and feedback from Canberra and Melbourne, the round of consultations was disappointing to put it mildly. Attendances were low. The lack of awareness of the OGP initiative continues. Beyond utilisation of social media, were steps taken to identify civil society organisations that would seem to have an interest in these issues? Did any agency other than PMC refer to the consultation on their website or contact organisations they deal with to encourage engagement? The absence of indications from government of serious intent is a factor in the low level of engagement. When has the PM followed up his words of November 2015 with anything that resembles strong ongoing enthusias...