Will the siege on the Office of Australian Information Commissioner continue?
With the Federal Government on the receiving end for 'doing nothing' on a range of pressing issues and three sitting days before Parliament rises until the Budget in May, will Attorney General Brandis stick with doing nothing, pull the bill to abolish the Office of Australian Information Commissioner from the Senate or call it on for a vote that he knows the government can't win?
Doing nothing speaks for itself- a discouraging, dispiriting message for those still looking for signs of real interest in 'good government' and recognition that transparency, accountability and public participation are a big part of the mix.
Withdrawal of the bill would indicate serious intent regarding the Prime Minister's commitment to join and participate-'play a leading role' no less- in the Open Government Partnership.
Arguing in the Senate in a futile attempt to convince Labor, the Greens and the crossbench senators to support abolishing the watchdog/advocate for open government at the same time we talk of stepping up to the plate on open government would again expose the feeble reasoning behind the move and the inconsistency between this policy position and the PM's enthusiasm for open government.
We live in hope.......
Doing nothing speaks for itself- a discouraging, dispiriting message for those still looking for signs of real interest in 'good government' and recognition that transparency, accountability and public participation are a big part of the mix.
Withdrawal of the bill would indicate serious intent regarding the Prime Minister's commitment to join and participate-'play a leading role' no less- in the Open Government Partnership.
Arguing in the Senate in a futile attempt to convince Labor, the Greens and the crossbench senators to support abolishing the watchdog/advocate for open government at the same time we talk of stepping up to the plate on open government would again expose the feeble reasoning behind the move and the inconsistency between this policy position and the PM's enthusiasm for open government.
We live in hope.......
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