Bill to abolish OAIC: gone or like a phoenix, ready to rise again?
An entry in today's Senate Bills List- there are over 200 bills in the 'lapsed' category as the new session of parliament kicks off but let's hope common sense, the common good and the Prime Minister's endorsement of the goals of the Open Government Partnership mean this is the last we'll hear of this one:
Freedom of Information Amendment (New Arrangements) Bill 2014
Amends the: Freedom of Information Act 1982 to provide for: the Administrative Appeals Tribunal to have sole jurisdiction for external merits review of freedom of information (FOI) decisions; the Attorney-General to be responsible for FOI guidelines, collection of FOI statistics and the annual report on the operation of the Act; and the Ombudsman to have sole responsibility for the investigation of FOI complaints; and Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 and Privacy Act 1988 to provide for an Australian Privacy Commissioner as an independent statutory officer holder within the Australian Human Rights Commission. Also repeals the Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010 to abolish the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner; and makes consequential amendments to 22 Acts.
House of Representatives:Intro. 2/10/14; Passed 28/10/14
CID amendments: 2 Govt/passed.
Senate: Intro. 30/10/14; 2nd reading adjourned 30/10/14.
Reference (SBC report 14/14): Provisions of bill referred to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee 30/10/14; report tabled 25/11/14
[Lapsed due to prorogation of first session of 44th Parliament17/4/16]
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