Sunshine and rain on Right to Know Day
Right to Know Day 28 September- great to see traffic on the twitter feeds including plenty from Australia at #RighttoKnow While observance has been trending in the right direction in recent years, its another step in the right direction given Right to Know Day often passed virtually unnoticed here. Something positive from the highest levels of government on the importance of the right to know would be a welcome development but alas.. So too, with three ministers in New York last week, an Australian presence at the Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the Open Government Partnership would have indicated strong interest and commitment as well. Alas again.... Further rain amid the sunshine: The Center for Law and Democracy in Toronto and Access Info Europe used the occasion to publish an updated Global Right to Information Rating, analysing the quality of the world's access to information laws. The Australian legislative framework (the Federal Freedom of Information Act) comes in 56 of...