Voice Up: Right to Know Day 28 September

Australia’s State and Commonwealth Information Commissioners have joined together to promote their commitment to the importance of Open Government and the right to access government-held information and data on International Right to Know Day, 28 September 2016.
The right to information and our ongoing commitment to Open Government is a cornerstone of modern democratic society.
Right to Know Day is an opportunity to encourage the public sector and the community at large to think about exploring the possibilities of Open Government. When done well it increases access to information and data which results in better and more responsive services to the community, as well as increased accountability and the promotion of public participation in government decision-making.
We are pleased to come together to promote the importance of this message and we invite all members of the Australian community to join us in celebrating Right to Know Day on 28 September 2016.
Co-signed by:
Sven Bluemmel, Western Australian Information Commissioner
Richard Connock, Tasmania's Ombudsman
Michael Ison, Acting Victorian Freedom of Information Commissioner
Timothy Pilgrim, PSM, Acting Australian Information Commissioner
Rachael Rangihaeata, Queensland Information Commissioner
Elizabeth Tydd, NSW Information Commissioner and Open Data Advocate.

SOLOMON LECTURE: This year, Queensland's annual Solomon Lecture will be the centrepiece of the Right to Know campaign. The Lecture will be live-streamed on Right to Know Day, 28 September 2016. The lecture topic is "Collaboration in Place: The central role of information and data in securing Queensland's future prosperity", presented by Professor Anne Tiernan, Director of the Policy Innovation Hub at Griffith University.
Watch the event live online (9am) @ www.ustream.tv/channel/the-edge-external-events or register to be in the audience at the State Library of Queensland, Stanley Place, Southbank @ https://2016solomonlecture.eventbrite.com.au

If you are in Sydney celebrate at the monthly OpenAustralia Foundation Pub Meetup Tuesday 27 September Upstairs at Trinity Bar 505 Crown St Surry Hills from 6.30 pm.



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